(on the way to McDonald's, in the City of Orange, NJ... at 2:38 PM, on 8/9/22)
Over the years, I have realized that the human body is like a vessel... that needs to be fueled, throughout the day... but if 'conditioned,' such can go longer periods... with 'lesser food,' if one goes through a 'titration-like' process (and consequently, 'digestive toll' is minimized)...




1. Michael Izuchukwu | Facebook (


3. FOODS (

4. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz314) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos


Regarding URL addresses (websites), read the following link... to access them, via a cell phone's internet browser:

How to Copy and Paste on an iPhone (

[visit an internet browser such as 'Google Chrome,' on a cell phone... and via the URL address bar ('at the top')... enter ''... to interact with the posted 'URL addresses,' cellularly]

NOTE: Certain links will be accessible via the 'above means,' while others are searchable on YouTube (or clickable, via a laptop or desktop computer)


6:07 PM (12/15/22):

"Time is relative to the observer, but the observer... is not necessarily as relative, to time..." - Michael Izuchukwu (that's a belief I have, that I feel has legitimacy... in the context, of 'asymptotic aging')

Alicia explains the meaning of love - YouTube (2:02-2:07)


6:23 PM (12/15/22):

...easier said, than done... I believe the act of asymptotically aging, is one that requires learning from adversarial conditions, and applying those insights... proactively, within certain time constraints... ...that are in accordance, with the concept... of 'checkpoints, of spacetime'...

35 Quotes Albert Einstein's Said That Changed The World - YouTube (5:06-5:19 & 5:53-5:59)

6:40 PM (12/15/22): 

Albert Einstein - Wikipedia


6:01 PM (12/15/22):

Massive Attack - Paradise Circus (Gui Boratto Remix) - YouTube

"Music speaks what cannot be expressed, soothes the mind and gives it rest... heals the heart and makes it whole, flows from heaven... to the soul..." - Wise Man


5:46 PM (12/15/22):

The Wolf of Wall Street - How Much Money Do You Make - YouTube

"Jesus Christ was a carpenter, but He worked for the spirit (Holy Spirit) as opposed to the material ('the world')... Such is reflected, by His message and teachings... and resulted, in His ability to ultimately depart to heaven... 40 days, after His 3-day Resurrection (in the aftermath of His Crucifixion, which made the transition both unnatural... and expedited)..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Goku Black appears for the first time! - YouTube

5:50 PM (12/15/22):

"Arguably... 'those' 40 days, were the Second Coming... of Jesus Christ..." - Michael Izuchukwu

30 Epic Bible Verses About The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (


5:15 PM (12/15/22):

(a sausage link, spinach and gravy-topped mashed potatoes... from 4:10 PM, today)

5:30 PM (12/15/22):
Baga Banini / Dreamer ( Best Deep House 2021 ) Top Models - YouTube
"An intriguing video (regarding music and ambience), that I first stumbled upon... in the Fall of 2021..." - Michael Izuchukwu
5:33 PM (12/15/22):
"An interesting apartment, in New York City... I have wondered about the places there, that are most aligned with my preferences... regarding apartment layouts and locations... although, I have no 'present intent' of relocating..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:30 AM (12/14/22):
"In the year 1492, Christopher Columbus was being told that there were no humans... across the Atlantic Ocean... ...who is to say, that there are no other 'intelligent lifeforms,' across the 'voids of space,' in the deepest reaches... of the cosmos...?" - Michael Izuchukwu

Tour: Chandra Sees Evidence for Possible Planet in Another Galaxy - YouTube



7:23 AM (12/14/22):
CONTACT (1997) Explained - YouTube

"A video I like to revisit, every now and then..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:01 AM (12/14/22):
We Tried Contacting Aliens on This Nearby "Super Earth" (

"Do you think this is likely...?" - Michael Izuchukwu


3:05 PM (12/11/22):

(some Facebook Friend suggestions, from moments ago)

3:10 PM (12/11/22):


2:16 PM (12/11/22):

Tears For Fears - Shout (Official Music Video) - YouTube
"An inspiring and uplifting song, that I have revisited on a number of occasions..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(an option from the website ''... from earlier today)



7:04 AM (11/5/22):

“At 6:48 AM today (11/5/22), I had some revelation… regarding finding, a ‘significant other’…

Forget Swiping. Give These Top Dating Sites a Try (

Given that my dad is deceased, and my relatives are estranged (in the context, of my mom cohabiting with my middle brother, JJ… who I have not seen in 4 years, and the fact that my mom sees nothing wrong with this… or the fact, that I have yet to see ‘their’ living quarters)… I have questioned the implications, of being wed… and having offspring. There is a question as to whether my dad was in fact, my biological father… which I have my doubts about, in the context of him having stated I was of ‘Egyptian descent [About | Michael Izuchukwu (]’… in December 2018 (after we had been speaking cellularly for 8 months, given that April 2018 marked 7 years… since we had last had any communication) … and the fact, that we have distinct… phenotypical makeups (that of my mom, is more relatable to myself…in retrospect)…

NOTE #1: My parents divorced in 2011, after about 22 years of marriage... in which my dad had been emotionally and psychologically abusive... Arguably, the fact that he may presently have cars in storage at the moment (along with furniture, the books which had been in his office at my former apartment, and other miscellaneous items)... attests that he left no inheritance for his 'three' children, assuming... there is an anonymous individual, covering 'that' expense (regarding the indefinite storage, of the aforementioned)... An 'associate of my dad' who is paying for 'the inanimate,' as opposed to the animate... seems illogical, at this point in time...



NOTE #2: When I was cohabiting with my dad for 6 of 7 months, that I had been in University City, MO... in 2020, he had a 'dark blue' Range Rover and a black Mercedes Benz, in the garage... although, I suspect the silver BMW that he once had had... was subject, to some form... of confiscation...

…I have my issues, of feeling as though there could potentially be a situation… where raising a child would be a ‘rogue task’… given that both of my grandparents are deceased (mom’s and dad’s side), and aside from my mom… my 2 younger brothers ‘never’ call, and neither do any of my cousins (or aunts and uncles)…

If anything, I am serious about my commitment… to the notion of walking along a ‘spiritual path’ and achieving ‘asymptotic aging’… in the context of my reality up to this point in time, and the fact… that the future comes sooner, than we tend to think. Taking premeditative measures towards such, is assuredly the best means… for gauging ‘future, present moments’…” – Michael Izuchukwu

(the Great Pyramids, of Giza... in Egypt)

NOTE #2: Jesus Christ never got married, and yet… due to who He was and what He was about, He was able to ascend to heaven… via ‘unnatural’ means… …but then again, He was born of the Virgin Mary Magdalene, and He merely had a guardian father… who was Saint Joseph. This likely accounted for why Jesus had been in search of His ‘heavenly Father (that of ‘God the Father’),’ His entire life… until He eventually became his successor, when He assumed the function... of God… in the aftermath, of His Resurrection…


3:15 AM (11/4/22):

WOLFCLUB - Tears - YouTube 


Very interesting article:

How language warps the way you perceive time and space - BBC Future

NOTE #1:
I personally view time in a 'horizontal fashion (left to right)'... but I was surprised, that some Mandarin speakers... view the passage of such, vertically (down to up)... like an 'elevator,' I suppose...

The Time Machine (2/8) Movie CLIP - Going Forward (2002) HD - YouTube

NOTE #2:

Perhaps in Asia (where the language of 'Mandarin,' tends to be spoken), time could be viewed as passing in a vertical fashion... because there is an assumption, that if one has been living 'for a long time'... one must have a lot of structure, as though one is looking at a 'skyscraper' that can be navigated... by means, such as 'an elevator'... which has a vertical pathway... ...evidently, such structure would have to have 'spiritual implications'... given the story of Enoch, in the bible (who lived to the age, of 365... before being 'whisked away,' to heaven... while his son, Methuselah... lived to the age of 969, and died either via natural causes... or by 'the Great Flood')...

see: Methuselah died in the year of the Flood: A case for Pessimism vs Optimism – North Heights Church of Christ (

(195 countries on Earth, across 7 continents... with over 6,500 spoken languages)

a. "We know that mathematics is 'a' universal language, and is linked to rhetorical expression/word formulation... and linguistics..." - Michael Izuchukwu

b. "...there is a link between 'language formulation,' and the way... a person perceives his/her reality" - Michael Izuchukwu, 8:28 AM (8/24/22)



List of languages by number of native speakers - Wikipedia 


Currently there are about 6,500 languages spoken in the world. How distinct are these languages from each other? Do lots of them share a lot of words? - Quora 


How many languages are there in the world? | Ethnologue

3:39 AM (11/4/22): 

How to Give Compliments in The Workplace - YouTube (At 0:33-0:43, a blonde has the vibe... as though she just had 'a steak')

4:26 AM (11/4/22): 
"When a person communicates (reverberation), he/she is influencing those around him/her (in the environment), and there is an equal and opposite reaction (in the context, of Isaac Newton's third law)... The communication has a 'duration (length of time),' and the nature of the oration... denotes certain motions, that influence the path one is taking, through spacetime (length, width and height/depth... as the first 3 'spatial dimensions'... and then 'time,' a temporal one (four total)..." - Michael Izuchukwu



"I noticed that when I converse with my mom, she has an aversion to me making references... about attending events, at night. I reiterate to her, that some people party till the wee hours of the morning... or have occupations, where they work the night shift... In the context of my present age of 33, I believe her view of reality... is shallow and superficial, at best (regarding objectivity)..." - Michael Izuchukwu 


Since 2019-2020 (to this day), she has not shown me where she cohabits... with my middle brother, JJ...

4:06 PM (11/3/22):

REAL Day in The Life of a DOCTOR - ON CALL EMERGENCY - YouTube


Inside Man (6/11) Movie CLIP - Get Rich Or Die Tryin' (2006) HD - YouTube


1:02 AM (11/3/22):

Replying to @fitsuperwoman How much you need to make to afford a $500,000 house 🏠💵. I give a complete breakdown of how to calculate it for beginners so you can understand how the numbers work behind getting a loan on a house that is $500,000. We use an FHA loan as an example but you can switch this out for other loans by changing your downpayment, loan amount, and MIP amount. Also this calculation did not include HOA fees. I know an FHA loan is used for people living in the house. This example is meant for someone thinking of house hacking a home. #pricebreakdown #realestateinvestingforbeginners #realestateinvestingtips #realestateinvesting101 #buyingahouse #homebuyer #mortgage #mortgagetip #howmuchyouneed #rentalproperty #rentalpropertyinvesting (

"As of 11:21 PM on 11/2/22, an idea occurred to me… – such is that once one has established his/her ‘physiological needs’… regarding the ‘bare minimum’ domestic arrangements, which are necessary… to sustain such… in the context of fundamentals (food, shelter, hygiene and utilities)… there is the notion, that there is a difference between having a ‘physical’… as opposed to ‘mental,’ home… in the context, of a ‘house’… The latter, is more abstract… but refers to the investment in that, which is more aligned ‘with the spirit’… given that the spirit (Holy Spirit) takes precedence to the mind/intellect, which does the same… for the body/physicality… …in the context of the cosmos’ scope, the varying ‘standards of living across Earth (from a continental perspective),’ and typical/customary ‘human life expectancy’… having the resolve and humility, to invest in a ‘mental’ home (as opposed to a physical one)… regarding any ‘structure-based’ accommodation, that may have ‘monetary value’… in excess, of $1,000,000… may be ideal, for facilitating one’s efforts… at ‘asymptotic aging’… should that desire, be present…" - Michael Izuchukwu







12:15 AM (11/3/22):

THE FEYNMAN SERIES - The Key To Science (ft Joan Feynman) - YouTube
"When one gazes up at the sky, one does not always see the moon... when it's dark outside, at night... ...unless one looks at the right section of the sky... The notion that humans landed upon such, on July 20, 1969... is quite breathtaking, in the context... of the scope, of human history... preceding that moment, in which countless individuals... had marveled, at that 'celestial body'... wondering, if such was in fact 'physical,' given that tangibility may be difficult to discern... from afar..." - Michael Izuchukwu

The moon: 

AVvXsEhBVWpxxQhm-RzedfcNFs8F0_fWCj4dPILKIWbPvTzuiu8kOJW00cM9zr1EkYl1yggTd9JmJCwYyhYvT4XjZo10yPftDksiupA-5mje6W4eH3BVb2SusdCwXGvofcb6yYc_GfmKhmu27Knb2C7mdpSXaItGS-bdgCp4wMUPzyaFGYLe4UG8oVTFlrqa=s1004 (1004×715) (


9:02 PM (11/2/22):

1. Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz313) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos (4:47)

2. Good Will Hunting - YouTube (4:46)



Stealing to eat: Hunger crisis for children not eligible for free school meals but living in poverty - YouTube

10:03 AM (11/2/22):
"Strange and sad video... no one should be subject, to insufficient 'dietary standards'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


9:48 AM (11/2/22):

Michael Izuchukwu (@whiz314) TikTok | Watch Michael Izuchukwu's Newest TikTok Videos



9:27 AM (11/2/22):

"People change over spacetime, in a number of ways... regarding the spirit, mind and body... The goal is to do so, intrinsically ('intrinsic growth')..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:54 AM (11/2/22):
Cost to fly First Class from San Francisco to New York - YouTube

"I have never flown on the business class 'JetBlue Mint'... but such a flight, must be expensive (regarding the ticket)..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:53 AM (11/2/22):

Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way (Official Music Video) - YouTube

"...'peaceful' song..." - Michael Izuchukwu

matilda breakfast scene - YouTube

9:03 AM (11/2/22):

I had a glass of milk (served at my dominion), around 6 AM... today... but my mom says she is 'treating me' to a diner meal, shortly... for 'birthday celebration'...


8:28 AM (11/2/22)

"Nice song... I am wondering about the practicality of the site 'Coffee Meets Bagel'... for me..." - Michael Izuchukwu


8:23 AM (11/2/22):

"I am wondering about the best way to celebrate, my 33rd birthday..." - Michael Izuchukwu

"How long was I asleep...?" - Ramses

9:46 AM (11/2/22):


8:10 AM (11/2/22):

"Where one has been, influences where one is going... but certain destinations, require taking specific paths... through spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu


I remember yesterday, so that I don't repeat such... the next day...


5:28 PM (10/17/22):

"If you want to be on the path to heaven, you have to be taking the right steps... to get there. Ask yourself, what those are... given some paths can only be traversed, once... ...Authentic brainstorming and acting upon such, is a precursor... for defying spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu


If you don't think about certain ideas, they will not develop... A genuine person, must walk on the 'path of the spirit' long enough... to get feedback, which is often... elusive...

For me, I have been getting feedback since 2017... but my journey of the spirit, began in January 2011... when my 'first and initial' Facebook profile, was compromised by an anonymous individual... on 1/7/11, for a period of 12 hours (where incoherent vocabulary was utilized) - leading, to an 18-day hospitalization... and departure, from Rice University... By December 2011, there was a secondary hospitalization... when my mom was subject to 'demonic possession' on 12/15/11, 2 days after I posted the quote of 'Luke 23:43 (from the bible)' to my Facebook profile... after having had a revelation...

I started 'studying the bible' in 2011, and began writing a sequel to such... in 2014 ['the Advanced Instructions Before Leaving Earth (A.I.B.L.E.)']... 

...if you walk on a 'spiritual path' long enough and are attentive, you 'see things'... that are not natural...

("The devil grows inside the hearts, of the selfish and wicked... ...white, brown, yellow and black, color is not restricted... you have a self destructive destiny, when you're inflicted…" - Immortal Technique)

(Walking through Seton Hall's campus, at 9:22 AM... on 8/29/22)


4:35 PM (10/17/22):

(3 peppered hotdogs, from 4:11 PM... today...)


4:30 PM (10/17/22):
"Video blogging can be an excellent way of documenting one's progression, through spacetime... for those, who seek... to capitalize on such, and 'cash in ('carpe diem')' on asymptotic aging..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Working on Sunday to Complete a Pull Request (A day in the life - Software Engineer ) - YouTube (food looks good, at 3:55-4:06)


2:39 PM (10/17/22):
"I noticed that time passes differently, depending on how much food one ingests and how hydrated one is... in relation, to one's 'physiological efficiency'..." - Michael Izuchukwu 

The Science of Time Explained by Brian Greene - YouTube

2:43 PM (10/17/22):

"Time dilation accounts for the altered perception of time's passage, in the context of such... being relative, to the observer..." - Michael Izuchukwu

Time dilation - Wikipedia ["Time passes more quickly further from a center of gravity, as is witnessed with massive objects (like the Earth)"]


2:22 PM (10/17/22):
Cruel Youth - Mr. Watson (BKAYE Remix) - YouTube

"Inspiring song, that I first encountered... 6 years ago, or so..." - Michael Izuchukwu


(Where will 'you' be in 10 years, in the context of spirit, mind and body?)

2:01 PM (10/17/22):
"One may find that there is more than one path, to a particular destination... but some are more ideal, than others... Life is a test, to see what is done... with the given time, and a human is moving towards a destination in spacetime... every passing moment, in the context of a certain 'frequency/vibration, magnitude and direction'..." - Michael Izuchukwu


10:20 AM (10/17/22):

(snapshot of Yahoo news advertisements, moments ago - driving 1,000 miles, likely is 'frustrating')

Regarding asymptotic aging:


8:02 AM (10/17/22):

[peppered scrambled eggs, French toast, a 'couple' sausage links and cantaloupe (with lemonade)... from Seton Hall University's servery... at 9:37 AM, on 4/22/22]

"From my personal experience, my understanding is that asymptotic aging is multifaceted... and many things must be working in tandem (together), for such to 'take effect'... Such is a 'preoccupation' that requires being 'painstakingly attentive'... to one's homeostatic processes (regarding physiological health, and well-being)... may find that such relates, to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs... and that as one approaches 'transcendence,' one is less attached... to worldly needs/desires..." - Michael Izuchukwu
(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)

8:52 AM (10/17/22):


7:56 AM (10/17/22):

"Certain physiologies are more conducive for 'asymptotic aging'... given that there is a relationship between basal metabolic rate, rate of sedentariness, and caloric expenditure... that affects how one passes, through spacetime..." - Michael Izuchukwu


7:42 AM (10/17/22):

Dr. Michio Kaku: "You will have the option to reach the age of 30 and stop" - YouTube

7:40 AM (10/17/22): 


I STOPPED AGING AT 13. The real story of Benjamin Button. - YouTube

(Denis Andreyevich hunched over, as though he is attempting to 'cash in'...)


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