CARPE DIEM: APPLYING SUCH, TO ONE'S LIFE ("I never think of the future; it comes... ...soon, enough..." - Albert Einstein)

Posing by some statues, in Central Park... ...of New York City... 10:00 AM, on 7/19/24

"To whom much is given, much is expected..." - Luke 12:48

~ ~ ~ ?
_ _ _

After watching this scene, from the 2016 movie 'Fences'... ...I thought to myself, that such was relevant... Had my dad still been alive (based off who he had been), I think this scene showcases... how we would have presently been relating (with me, at 34 years old... ...and him, at 69 years old)... ...but in a manner, that is less 'benign'...
8:31 PM (7/20/24):
When my dad and I were cohabiting, at my former apartment (Vanguard Crossing, in University City, MO)... ...from 3/21/20 to 10/25/20, he never inquired about my time at Rice University (2008-2010), Seton Hall University (2012-2015) or Eastern Virginia Medical School (2016-2019)... ...where my studies had been in-person, in-person and remotely... ...respectively...
Mercedes Benz Car Dealership (Pembroke Area, of Virginia Beach, VA - summer 2019) - YouTube
This reluctance, was arguably intentional... ...given my dad's value, in 'power differential'... ...and his perception, of his own accolades... relation, to my own...

8:38 PM (7/20/24):
Regarding the 'above' scene, from the 2016 movie 'Fences'... ...such features an African American son... ...who seems, like a young version... ...of a former neighbor, in my Pine Creek subdivision... ...who had moved, into the 'childhood house'... ...of a high school friend of mine (Alec K.)... ...This person's name, was Bryan Burwell (a Saint Louis-based sportswriter, who took interest... my triple jumping... a high schooler)...

8:44 PM (7/20/24):
August 4 birthdates:
Michele Izuchukwu (my mom): 8/4/63
Barack Obama (44th U.S. president): 8/4/61
Bryan Burwell (lived atop the Cul de sac, I used to live in): 8/4/55

9:20 PM (7/20/24):

7:31 PM (7/20/24):
About '1' minute ago, for the first time... I visited, this website:
For a number of months (perhaps, at least '1-1.5' years... ...I have known, that Rice University had a complementary component... ...of that institution, in Paris, France... ...where the 2024 Olympics, are behind held...
Nevertheless, I knew not of this... ...when a student there (September 2008 - December 2010)

I would say, that I have not cooked my own food... quite some time (since October 2020)... ...Doing so, would be ideal... ...for the sake, of physiological energization... ...given that that, which is served... my present dominion... 'routinely & customarily... underwhelming (of questionable quality & satiety, that is unsatisfactory)'... (a kitchen is not available, for usage)
My impression of Dubai, a city in the country of 'United Arab Emirates'... that such is a municipality, where obscenely wealthy people... ...congregate (my first impression, when viewing the infrastructure of that area... ...of the world)...
Breaded fish, is something served... my dominion... ...that I tend, to eat...

6:10 PM (7/20/24):
I exited a Wawa establishment (in Orange, NJ), at 5:30 PM... ...after having browsed the interior, and examined the shelved items... ...with the prospect, of making 'a purchase'... I did not find anything, that I would fancy (the quarter-pound hotdog, that was formerly prepared... ...a certain way... ...has not been displayed, in 'that' manner... of late)... ...and hence, I departed...
This was after I had bought a McChicken, from the McDonald's... ...across the street (at 5:17 PM, according to the receipt)...
6:15 PM (7/20/24):

4:48 PM (7/20/24):

After thinking about how the acronym 'MIT,' is the reversal… …of the word 'time (after the letter 'E,' is deducted)'… …I had the following notion… …at 4:45 PM, on 7/20/24:

"In the context of human life expectancy, from a statistical standpoint (and via the lens, of the 4th spatial dimensional reality)… …the older one becomes, the less diverse… …one's cross-sections of mobility, appear…" – Michael Izuchukwu

2:11 MP (7/20/24):
Apparently, Christian Taylor (2-time Olympic Triple Jump Champion - 2012 & 2016)... retiring, from the event (as this video, is suggesting)... Presumably, he is pursuing 'new ideals/objectives'... ...and embarking, on 'an adventure'... ...ambition-wise...
Christian Taylor's furthest triple jump... (world record was set by Jonathan Edwards, at 18.29 meters... ...on August 7, 1995... Gothenburg, Sweden)

Interestingly, 16-year-old Quincy Wilson... ...had a personal record in the 400-meter event, that improved by 0.39 seconds (from 44.59 to 44.20 seconds)... ...He has great potential, given his performance... age-wise...
I would argue, that he seems like a slight doppelganger ('African American version')... of my 'first' roommate... Rice University (Kevin Ting)... To my recollection, Kevin was an electrical engineering major (as indicated, in the Orientation Week/O-Week Newcomer's Guide)... ...and electricity, follows the path... ...of least resistance...
2:35 PM (7/20/24):
& [Michael Johnson 200 meters WR 19.32 Atlanta 96 Olympics & Gucci Mane - Both (feat. Drake)]


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